Welcome to Washington Area Association of Amhara - WAAA.
WAAA is an association of the Amhara community living in Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia.
WAAA is a member of FANA - Federation of Amharas in North America which comprises over 17 Amhara orgs in the USA.
WAAA is also a member of iAM - International Amhara organization - a global organization that brings together Amhara organizations around the world.
WAAA is solely organized to be a voice for the voiceless Amharas in Ethiopia who become the victim of successive regimes because of who they are. Amhara have been killed, displaced, mass arrested and detained just because they are Amhara.
WAAA would like to call Amhara, friends of Amhara, and the international community to be a voice & to help address the abuse of Amhara in Ethiopia by successive regimes.
Join Us to protect and save Amharas in Ethiopia!
ዓላማ / Mission
በዋሽንግተን ዲሲና አካባቢ የሚኖረውን የአማራ መህበረሰብ በመድረስ፣ በማስረዳትና በማደራጀት ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ አማራ ላይ እየተፈጸመ ያለውን የጅምላ ጭረሳ ለማስቆም የሚደረገውን ጥረት የበኩሉን ድርሻ እንዲወጣ ማድረግ
WAAA has a mission to engage , inform, and organize, Amharas living in the Washington Metropolitan area to work together to stop Amhara mass killings and Genocide across Ethiopia.
ራዕይ / Vision
ከዘር መጥፋት ነፃ የሆነ የአማራ ማህበረሰብ፤ በውሸት ትርክት ምንም አይነት መገፋት፣ መፈናቀልና መገደል ማይደርስበትና በመንግስት የማይበደልና እንደሌሎች እኩል የመንግስትነት ድርሻ ያለው አማራ በኢትዮጵያ ማየት።
WAAA's vision is to see a Genocide-Free Amhara living in Ethiopia with no marginalization, displacements, or killings; and realize the government system to equalize the Amhara with his other Ethiopian brothers and sisters.